Weekend Reading

Here is your list of good reading for the weekend. Enjoy!

1)http://www.elitefts.com/education/how-to-develop-a-training-philosophy/ – A great article by Dave Tate on developing your own training philosophy.

2)http://dsstrength.com/the-best-damn-overhead-squat-mobility-article-period/ -A very thorough article written on the overhead squat and obtaining the proper mobility to perform it. I’m not a huge fan of the OHS as a training lift in most situations, but it is a good test of overall mobility.

3)http://whole9life.com/fish-oil-faq/ -A very good summary of some frequently asked questions regarding fish oil. This is a topic I have been looking to expand my knowledge on for some time, and I finally got around to doing a little more research.

4)https://charliescrib.wordpress.com/2015/04/27/omega-3s-supplementation-the-guide/ -A damn good article written by Charlie Bertram on his blog. Very informative, and also pushed me to do a little research of my own. Be sure to check it out.

5)http://startingstrength.com/articles/hangover_starr.pdf -A fascinating article written by Bill Starr on training athletes that have hangovers, as well as dealing with coaching athletes who partake in other substances. Worth the read for any college coaches, or anyone just looking for an interesting story. He also talks about a lifter who won teenage nationals in olympic weightlifting while tripping on acid…. If that doesn’t grab your attention I don’t know what will.

Have a good weekend people.

7 thoughts on “Weekend Reading

  1. Thanks for the shout man! Really appreciate it. Anything else you’ve found in your research? I’d be keen to know anything interesting you’ve found out

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  2. Really interesting article by Bill Starr about lifting with a hangover. I’ve always felt that alcohol gets an overly bad rap in the fitness world. I’ve had plenty of experience working out under “less-than-favorable” circumstances. Be it when I was a college student, or working construction, or as a Marine, I’ve been in a lot of circles where drinking at night and tough physical activity in the morning aren’t mutually exclusive. Maybe it’s my Irish blood, but I’ve always been puzzled by my ability to get a solid workout or even hit PR’s while trashing all of the rules of good nutrition and alcohol abstinence. A couple of my best friends are elite distance runners, and they swear by their staggering totals of 60+ a beers a week for fueling them in their 100+ mile training weeks. And these aren’t your typical weekend joggers, these are former college standouts who win amateur road races.

    Currently, I’m drinking very little, mainly because I’d rather feel better in the morning and I don’t like knowing that I’m doing anything to detract from my performance. I completely agree with Bill Starr’s assessment, though, that alcohol is really just “expensive carbohydrates.” One of my old farm foremen used to prescribe drinking 3 beers alternating with 3 glasses of water every night in order to recover from a grueling day of haying and get ready for the next morning. Honestly, that might have not been such bad advice.

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    • As someone who will be haying over the summer, I think 3 beers alternating with 3 glasses of water is a great little experiment I will have to try. Personally I get pretty beaten down from hangovers. However, I’ve had multiple situations that starr talked about where I’ve realized it’s mostly in my head. He makes a good point by saying that once you get started working, rest is the enemy when hangovers are concerned. Glad you liked the post and thanks for the comment!


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