Quote of the Week

“Adversity toughens manhood, and the characteristic of the good or the great man is not that he has been exempt from the evils of life, but that he has surmounted them.” –Patrick Henry

This week is finals week, so things are going to be pretty crazy for me. I’ll do my best to keep up with the content though. Training wise I’m going to start adding a little bit of conditioning to my programming, just so I can survive throwing hay all summer. This is the first time I’ve done any form of programmed conditioning work since high school, so it’s not going to be pretty.

Let me know what you guys are up to in regards to training in the comments below. As always, feedback on the site is always welcomed!

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Week

  1. Awesome quote. It’s all about not “swerving too secure,” as John Milton puts it. You have to face evils, not deny that they exist.

    Set a PR recently for dead lift. I was so thrilled with that! How’s your training going with all of that school work?

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    • Congrats on the PR! My training normally isn’t too affected by school work. I have everything written out a few weeks ahead of time, so there’s not much thought put into it, just show up and lift. The gym is pretty empty during finals week as well so that’s nice. I used to test my one rep maxes at the end of the semester, but that was a little much. Now the biggest issue is fitting in mobility and conditioning sessions, as well as training and studying. I have had a pretty easy semester though so I can’t complain.

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